Iompar agus Smacht
Behaviour and Discipline
Caithfidh múinteoirí agus tuismitheoirí obair as láimh a chéile chun dea-iompar agus smacht a chothú sna leanaí. Táimid ag súil go mbainfear leas ceart as teagmháil idir mhúinteoirí agus thuismitheoirí chun é seo a chur i gcrích. Cuimhnigh gur ortsa, an tuismitheoir, atá an dualgas do leanbh a smachtú, agus go bhfuil muidne ag brath ar do thacaíocht, do dhea-thoil agus do chomhoibriú. Tá sé de bheannacht agus de bhua orainn go bhfuil spiorad iontach sa scoil, agus go bhfuil gaol ar leith idir daltaí agus foireann. Is mór linn an t-atmaisféar seo, agus tá sé d’aidhm dhocht dhaingean againn é a choinneáil agus a chothú. Teachers and parents must work together to encourage a spirit of good behaviour in the school. It is hoped that proper use will be made of parent-teacher contact to achieve this. Remember that yours is the primary responsibility for the behaviour of your child, and that we are depending on your support, goodwill and co-operation. We are blessed in Gaelscoil Míde, with a wonderful school spirit and a warm and easy relationship between teachers and pupils. It is our dear wish and our firm resolve to keep and to nourish this atmosphere. We ask you to play your part.