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Glantacht agus Néatacht
Cleanliness and Neatness


Glantacht agus Néatacht Cleanliness and Neatness

Bítear ag súil le caighdeán ard glantachta pearsanta ó na daltaí. Bítear ag súil fosta go gcaithfidh gach páiste an chulaith scoile, atá ar fáil ón scoil, agus t-léine bhán.

Má tá do pháistí tinn ní cóir dó/di bheith ar scoil. Bí cinnte, le do thoil, go bhfuil an nós cothaithe i do leanbh na lámha a ní tar éis dul chuig an leithreas.

A high standard of personal cleanliness is expected from every child. It is also expected that every child will wear the school tracksuit, which is available from the Gaelscoil, and a plain white polo shirt or t-shirt.

If your child is ill he/she should not attend school. Please ensure that your child is in the habit of washing hands after going to the toilet.

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